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The Best Way to Maintain Pool Tiles and Save Money

Pool Tiles

Want to know the best way to maintain Pool Tiles and save money? Advantages of using pool tiles over traditional options such as sand, pebbles, and gravel.

Why do pools require pool tiles?

Pool tiles require regular cleaning and maintenance to look great and perform flawlessly. Here are some reasons why pool tiles require pool tile maintenance:

  • -The surface of a pool tiles is constantly wet, attracting dirt, leaves, and other debris.
  • -Tiles can be scratched or damaged by rocks and other objects falling into the pool.
  • -Swimming on dirty or sandy tile can lead to skin infections.
  • -A cloudy or greenish film may form on the tiles if they’re not properly cleaned. This film can be caused by algae, fungus, or bacteria growing on the surface of the tiles.

-If the water in your pool is high in chloramine, it can discolor and damage your tiles over time.

How to save money by maintaining pool tiles?

Maintaining pool tiles is one of the best ways to save money. Not only will you avoid costly repairs, but you’ll also keep your swimming area looking great. Follow these tips to keep your pool tiles in good condition:

Regularly sweep and vacuum the pool floor. This will remove any dust, leaves, or other debris collected over time.

Clean the pool deck with a hose if it becomes dusty or dirty. This will help remove any dirt, leaves, or other debris that has gathered on the surface.

Wash the tiles with a mild cleaner every two weeks in warmer climates or every week in colder climates. Use a rubber brush to scrub off any dirt or algae buildup. Rinse off the tile thoroughly after cleaning.

Do not use harsh chemicals or chlorine-based cleaners on pool tiles. These substances can damage the surface of the tiles and lead to costly repairs down the road.

How to maintain pool tiles?

Pool tiles need to be cleaned and maintained regularly to keep them looking good and functioning properly. Here are some tips on how to do it:

  1. Clean the Pool Tile Surface: Start by cleaning the surface of the pool tile with a brush or a hose. Make sure to get into all the nooks and crannies.
  2. Use a Chemical Cleaner: If the surface of the pool tile is very dirty, you may want to use a chemical cleaner. Follow the instructions that come with the cleaner.
  3. Rinse the Tile: After cleaning, rinse the tile with fresh water. Please make sure all of the soap is off of it before you move on to step 4.
  4. Dry Off the Tile: Once rinsed, let the tile dry completely before using it again.

Types of pool tile materials

There are a few different types of pool tile materials, and each has its benefits and drawbacks. Here’s a look at some of the most common ones:

Grout: Grout is the most commonly used type of tile material in pools and is typically the most expensive. It’s also the most porous and can be difficult to keep clean.

Tech-Grip: Tech-Grip tiles are made from a plastic resin that is heated until it becomes soft, then cut into small pieces, mixed with water, and grouted into place. They’re resistant to stains, bacteria, and algae growth and relatively easy to clean.

Plywood: Plywood tiles are made from layers of medium-grade wood bonded together with an adhesive. They’re hard to clean but don’t absorb water or chemicals well, so they must be kept dry.

How to determine the type of material you need?

You can do a few things to determine the type of Material you need for your pool tiles. 

The first thing to consider is the type of surface you have. If your pool surface is concrete, a cement-based tile may be best for you. On the other hand, a silicone-based tile may be better suited if your pool surface is vinyl or rubber. 

If you need to know which type of tile to choose, contact the manufacturer of your pool tiles and ask them which material is best for your specific pool surface. 

Another thing to consider is how often you plan on cleaning your pool. If you only plan on cleaning it once a year, then a cement-based tile may be fine. However, if you plan on cleaning it more often, a silicone-based tile may be better because it doesn’t require as much care regarding removal and replacement.

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