Home » Garden Design Ideas : Beautiful Victorian Garden

Garden Design Ideas : Beautiful Victorian Garden

Garden Design Ideas

Gardening is an interesting activity for us by applying Victorian garden style. If you have much time to spend, you may have it on your house. Locating the garden on the back, front, and side of your house is delightful to see. The Victorian garden is so notorious for its abundant of colorful and decorative flowers. You may get the whole look of Victorian garden by applying some characteristics like sculpture, luxurious ornament and arbor. If you want to employ this look but in more classic appeal, you may add blossoming roses. Spend the time alone or with your friends and family on the garden will more comfortable if you equip it with patio, table, and chairs. Thus, you can stay there while enjoying the beautiful nature. It also allows you to celebrate an occasion by having a garden party or family gathering.

Luxurious victorian garden

Now let’s talk about the characteristics of Victorian garden one by one. The furniture of the garden needs to discuss first. You can select the garden furniture made from iron or wood. This furniture enables you to perform an intimate and personal atmosphere while having a conversation with the people around you. A cast settee is great to create such condition. Such seat offers the furniture for two persons only. You just need to get the wonderful design and pattern. Victorian garden is identical with the plentiful flowers; you should get the similar flowers cultivated in the Victorian era. Some of the flowers include the pretty morning glory, white lilies, aster, daffodils, wisteria, colorful roses, lavender, aster and tulips. They will generate a superb and amazing viewing if you can get the bold colored flowers in this garden. You may also add magnolia or a fig plant for more attractive expression.

Victorian garden at the backyard

Victorian garden always presents vivacious plants and flowers to comfort your eyes. If you take a flash back to the past, you may see in some pictures, the Victorian garden usually is supported with a fountain for more outstanding appearance. The water flowed from the fountain make us perceive calmness, tranquility and peace. The pure water will always remind us about the beauty of the nature. You may select a classic fountain made from bronze. For the details, you may employ a mermaid or the head of lion. The elegance of a fountain can be carried from marble fountain in the shape of swan.

Victorian garden design

There are some ornaments and accessories that can spread the charming of your Victorian garden. As I have stated previously, you may place a sculpture on the garden. You just have to pick the shapes suitable for this garden. The material used to build the sculpture is made from cherub and stone. Victorian garden is associated with luxury so that you may put accessories made from gold or silver for sparking effect. Since garden is not only about flowers, you may also adjoin some animal decoration like the sculpture of the birds and butterfly. You Victorian garden design will be perfect since the nature combo can be completely perceived.

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